Monday, November 8, 2010

So Sick and Tired of Being Sick and Tired!

Well... mostly just the sick part... which makes me tired. Other apt article titles escape me at the moment.

I've got two little gallstones creating a whole mess of trouble. The attacks increased in the past week, which worried my mom (who is a nurse practitioner) because when you have loose gallstones, there's always a chance of the ornery little guys blocking the bile duct and that requires immediate surgical intervention. So she told me to go to the ER. We did... and to sum up the weekend, waiting is the operative word. Waiting. And waiting. And more waiting.

Long story short, the little guys aren't blocking my bile duct; they're just being the roly-poly irritants that they are, wobbling about and angering things up. Prescription painkillers (the doctor couldn't believe I hadn't already been on them; I probably should have seen the family doctor for some) should get me through until paid health care kicks in mid-January and then I will have a surgery to remove the whole geddup: gall bladder removal, yep. Apparently I don't need it that much!

So I'm super picky right now about what I eat... low-fat diet is an absolute must if I don't want to be doubled over in pain for a night... and I'm doing pretty good about that. I find that my favorite restaurant's food (Japanese) seems to be really easy on my tummy so that's a hurray for me! Also find myself craving vegetables lately, and not really having a sweet tooth at all, so that's something unusual, too. (I rarely find the thought of chocolate nauseating, but for some reason, right now, I do.)

Now the only issue is that I think I'm getting some sort of kick-back from the pain medication; I'm having pretty bad headaches. It could just be tension from all the craziness -- but even a migraine prescription medication only held it at bay for 6-8 hours and I try to use that stuff sparingly (it's expensive AND it makes you feel pretty nauseated, too). So I'm taking some extra caffeine this morning and working on drinking a ton today to rehydrate (they made me not drink or eat for the ultrasound since midnight the night before, but I had to wait so long at the hospital that I went more than 12 hours without food/drink on Saturday).

Thus ends my complaining-about-my-health post. Needless to say, with all this in play, I haven't been getting much done. :(

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