Saturday, November 10, 2012

Never Ashamed to be American, but Ashamed of Some Americans

I haven't posted here in awhile. I have another blog I started about motherhood. Many life changes have happened to me: a house in the suburbs, a beautiful son, and a blessed life.

But I needed a place to talk about the Election 2012. A place where I can say the things I wish I could say elsewhere, but am afraid of conflict or stirring the pot.

As the Election approached... so many Facebook statuses shouted about Romney being what the country needs; and so many of the same put down President Obama. There was not just criticism, but name-calling. I don't care if you do not agree with our President's choices; he is STILL the PRESIDENT and is deserving of respect.

So many of the religious right were doing this: my family members amongst them. God says that whomever is appointed leader of our country, He has approved and we are to respect God's wishes. You can be disappointed, fine. But if you cannot respect the President, respect God.

I think the Republican Party is going to fall apart. I'm a former Republican, now Independent. Really, it has broken into three interests: the GOP and Corporations, the Religious Right, and the Tea Party. Moderate Republicans find themselves lost. Candidate Romney tried to appeal to all of these fractured people; and in the end he sounded very wishy-washy, trying so desperately to appease each group.

I am ashamed. I heard someone close to me -- and I cannot even say who for the amount of shame that I feel -- say that "a Mormon is better than a Muslim" and that they thought about driving to another state to vote twice (voter fraud!). Someone who is supposed to be a pillar of morality said these things. Why are so many people believing every rumor that passes their ear? Why do so many people vote not because of the issues but because "that's how my parents did it" or because "that's my party."

I am never ashamed to be American, but I am ashamed of some Americans.